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"It is insufficient to protect ourselves with laws; we need to protect ourselves with mathematics"
Bruce Schneier | Cryptographer

Cryptography has been at the center of financial services and their fight against fraud for years. The recent rapid expansion in the volume of financial transactions in digital environments has also been accompanied by a large increase in the number and different types of financial fraud schemes, that exploit vulnerabilities in payment systems, as well as those related to user behaviors.


In this changing landscape, cryptography and its applications continue to be a central element in all the lines of defense used to mitigate different types of fraudulent activities and, in many cases, also as a requirement by multiple government and/or industry regulators.

At CIPHERCON MX.23 we will discuss in detail the impact of cryptography in the fight against financial fraud, the progress so far, the current status and especially the future of encryption applications, algorithms, infrastructure and delivery models, and its applications in the financial sector.

The conference program covers technical aspects of Cryptography, as well as its practical applications in the prevention of financial fraud.

During the conference, with the help of a team of experts in the field, we will discuss the impact of cryptography on the financial system and its institutions, with special emphasis on its uses to prevent and mitigate financial fraud. To see the full agenda click below.  





BLOQUE III - EVOLUCIÓN Y TENDENCIAS EN TECNOLOGÍA DE CIFRADO: nube, blockchain & confidential computing.




Rebeca Alvarez

Rebeca is a digital lawyer, Founder and Managing Partner of Loxical. Certified Compliance Officer by National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) and active member of the Mexican Association of Compliance Professionals (AMPEC) and the National Compliance Commission (CONACOM); where he coordinates two of the committees related to legal innovation, fintech and cryptos.

Rebeca es Licenciada en Derecho egresada de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, cuenta con Diplomado en Derecho Financiero por la UNAM, Diplomado en Transformación Digital del Sector Financiero y un Diplomado en nuevas tecnologías para abogados.


En el sector público, fue Subdirectora de la Unidad de Banca, Valores y Ahorro de la Secretaría de Hacienda, e inició su carrera en la Gerencia de Asuntos Internacionales y Especiales de Banco de México.


Para el sector privado trabajó como, Manager Legal de Kubo Financiero, SOFIPO con modelo digital en México, donde coordinó visitas de inspección aplicadas por Banco de México, Condusef y la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores y fue parte del equipo jurídico de Scotiabank Inverlat.


Como consultora, fue parte de la firma legal especializada en derecho financiero, Acevedo Rivas Abogados y en 2019 emprendió Loxical, estudio jurídico en el que se desarrollan estrategias de consultoría legal y de cumplimiento regulatorio, incluyendo la prevención de lavado de dinero y anticorrupción, para empresas con modelos de negocio tecnológicos e innovadores.


Es oficial de cumplimiento certificada ante la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores y se certificó como encargado de cumplimiento para actividades vulnerables ante la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera. Es miembro activo de la Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales en Ética y Cumplimiento (AMPEC), de Mujeres en Compliance y de la Comisión de PLD del Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México.


En el sector académico, ha impartido módulos legales y de cumplimiento en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, la Universidad Anahuác, la Asociación Mexicana de Ventas Online. Fue conferencista en el Senado de la República en el Foro Bitcoin, Economía Digital.


Aidan Corcoran

Aidan has focused his entire professional career on the payments industry, the development of point-of-sale terminals, PIN pads, security for acquisition and issuance systems; in addition to the design and optimization of debit and credit card payment systems. Specialist in EMV, Encryption, among others.


Alberto Gonzalez

Alberto tiene más de 22 años de experiencia en la industria de TI y ciberseguridad; actualmente Director de Ciberseguridad – PagoNxt – MIT. Ha diseñado mecanismos de protección y arquitecturas robustas de seguridad para diversos productos y servicios enfocados en el sector financiero. Cuenta con las certificaciones más importantes en el sector como: CISSP, PCI-P2PE, PCI-ISA, entre otras, además de ser miembro del comité de criptografía del Consejo Internacional de Estándares de Seguridad para la industria de pagos electrónicos.

Con una experiencia de más de 22 años en la industria de TI y Ciberseguridad, Alberto ha diseñado mecanismos de protección y arquitecturas robustas de seguridad para diversos productos y servicios enfocados principalmente al sector financiero, así como liderado la estrategia y rumbo de ciberseguridad en diversas compañías.


Matemático de formación con especialidad en criptografía y seguridad en pagos electrónicos ha impartido capacitación y seminarios a nivel nacional e internacional desde hace más de 15 años.


Co-fundador de Activ centro de entrenamiento en tecnologías de información, donde por más de 10 años contribuyó con la formación en ciberseguridad de cientos de alumnos y decenas de empresas en todos los sectores.


Posee certificaciones como Certified Information Systems Security Professional (Payment Card Industry Point to Point Encryption (PCI P 2 PE), Ec Council Certified Encryption Specialist (E| CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (Payment Card Industry Internal Security Assessor (PCI ISA) Professional (PCI P), Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE Es miembro del comité de Criptografía del consejo internacional de Estándares de Seguridad para la Industria de Pagos Electrónicos (PCI SSC) Posee también diplomados en Ciberseguridad, Criptografía y Competencias Directivas.


Sebastian Estrada

Specialized Reporter at El Economista, focused on the financial technology sector, graduated from the Aragón Faculty of Higher Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, currently covers the non-banking financial sector for the newspaper.

Reporter specialized in the financial technology sector, graduated from the Aragón Faculty of Higher Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, currently working at the newspaper El Economista, covering the non-banking financial sector for a year, also pursuing a Master's degree in Fintech & Blockchain at Fintech U.

I was an intern at Forbes Central America, I covered the automotive sector and the blockchain and digital assets sector, parallel to my activities in coverage, I founded the medium PIRATA FINANCIERO in order to bring finance to young audiences.


Samantha Beltran

General Director of ASAMEP (Association of Payment Method Aggregators). Previously she worked as Legal, Compliance and Risk Director at Señor Pago, Conekta, Ztech and Citibank holding various leadership positions in Mexico and Latin America.

Samantha Beltran has been a member of ASAMEP since 2018 and joined as general director since May 2023.

Prior to joining as CEO, Samantha worked as Legal, Compliance and Risk Director at Señor Pago, Conekta, Ztech and Citibank holding various leadership positions in Mexico and Latin America.

She has a Law Degree from Tecnológico de Monterrey and has a Master's Degree in International Corporate Law from La Salle.

Since 2014 Samantha has been involved in the financial sector.


Carlos Flores

Carlos Flores is a specialist in the sector with 25 years of experience in information security solutions. He has collaborated with organizations in multiple countries, mainly in the financial sector with an important focus on payment security and fraud prevention projects. He is currently Chief Product Officer at VERISEC International.


El FÍSICO GAMER – Oscar Sanders

Oscar has a degree in Physics and Mathematics from the Higher School of Physics and Mathematics of the IPN; He also has a master's degree in Sciences and a doctorate in Sciences with a specialty in Physics from CINVESTAV. He is the founder of the dissemination project called “El Físico Gamer” where he disseminates science combined with video games.

Oscar Sanders Muñoz, was born in CDMX in 1994. He studied a degree in Physics and Mathematics at the Higher School of Physics and Mathematics (ESFM) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), he has a master's degree in Sciences and a doctorate in Sciences with a specialty in Physics from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV).


During his doctorate he published various scientific articles in the area of ​​neutrinos and participated in national and international conferences.


Author of the dissemination project called “El Físico Gamer” where he disseminates science combined with video games. He currently has more than 1 million followers across all his social networks and is developing “The Twin Paradox” which seeks to teach science through a video game.


Iván Díaz

Ivan is a Computer Expert and Strategic Partner of Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo S.C.

With 17 years of experience in the field of technologies, information security and communications in various sectors such as telecommunications, financial, public and logistics. It has important certifications in the field of information technology and security, including: CISSP, CISM, CDPSE, CCSK, ISO 27001, ISO22301, Cyber ​​Intelligence, Hacking, ITIL and COBIT.

Ivan Díaz González, as part of his academic training, has:

• Computer systems engineer
• Degree in Law
• Specialty in Computer Networks
• Master in Information Technology Management
• Master's Studies in Computer Security
• Diploma in ICT Law
• Diploma in Compliance Officer
• Doctor of Law


He has completed different certifications in the field of information technology and security, including: CISSP, CISM, CDPSE (Personal Data Protection), CCSK, ISO 27001, ISO22301, Cyber ​​Intelligence, Hacking, ITIL and COBIT.

He has a 17-year career in the field of information and communications technologies and security in market sectors such as telecommunications, financial, public and logistics, holding various positions at management level.

He is currently CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) of more than 15 companies in market sectors Fintech, Telecommunications, Restaurants, Electronic signatures, Content (Radio and Television), Marketing.

He has participated in financial and accounting audits as an auditor and audited as a representative of the information technology and information security area; as well as in investigation processes of financial fraud in companies in the telecommunications, logistics, consulting and services sectors.

Lecturer on related topics of law in the field of cybersecurity, IoT, nanotechnologies and information technology law.


He has served as a computer expert in criminal, civil and commercial procedures, in the period 2020-2023 he has been a member of the list of people who can serve as experts for the Judicial Branch of the Federation. Under this role he has participated in Commercial processes regarding nullity of banking operations, contract conciliations, lawsuits for breach of technological contracts.


In criminal proceedings he has participated in meta-expertise on computer media, cell phone investigations, technological operations, and fraud committed in electronic media.


He has participated for 9 years as a teacher in Diploma, Bachelor's and Master's degrees in institutions such as AMDI, IEE, IEH, EDD, UNIPOL, UMAD UNITEC, UVM, EPED, AMDI, ITSM and UPVM.


Oscar Salcedo

Oscar has more than 20 years of experience in digital areas of product, innovation and marketing, in Mexican financial institutions. He currently works as an Open Banking innovation consultant at Open Vector.

With more than 20 years of experience in digital areas of product, innovation and marketing, in Mexican financial institutions such as PROSA, Multiva, Sabadell, Mifel, Ve por Más and Banco Azteca; Regarding LATAM, he worked with Banco Azteca, Banco BICE in Chile, Banco de Bogotá, Oeste, Popular and AV Villas in Colombia.


He was CEO of the CECOBAN Clearing House and president of the Open Banking, Cryptocurrencies, Electronic Commerce and Electronic Banking Working Groups at the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM).


Its main achievements include the creation and evolution of more than 10 digital banks, financial products, payment methods and call centers.


Developed and implemented digital transformation, blockchain and digital banking consulting practices for Mexico and LATAM.


He has studies in Cyber ​​Engineering at La Salle University, with postgraduate degrees in Finance at TEC de Monterrey and Digital Transformation at EGADE, Digital Marketing at the University of Texas and is certified as an ISO 27001:2013 Internal Auditor by Applus.

The field of Cryptography is going through a period of accelerated evolution: with new algorithms, technologies and innovative service models being implemented within the entire financial services landscape. From “Crypto-Agility” processes and Post-Quantum Encryption algorithms, to cryptanalysis assisted by artificial intelligence (AI), and innovative infrastructure models such as “Confidential Computing” and Cloud services.


Mexico and the LATAM region have not been immune to these trends, and continue to be seriously affected by digital fraud, which undermines user confidence in digital banking and electronic commerce offers, substantially affecting their economies and their potential in general.


Brief Introduction to cryptography and its main applications within finance.

Digital fraud: current trends and projections, including possible impact of AI.

State of the art technology and best practices: Authentication & Payment Security.

Latest in crypto algorithms and delivery models, i.e. Confidential Computing & Cloud Services.

Context Mexico, with current market status and regulations.

The latest from industry leading cryptographic & authentication technology vendors.

The conference program will consist of a mix of industry roundtables, hands-on workshops, technical explainer sessions, panel discussions and keynote addresses.







They will leave the conference with a better understanding of cryptography itself, the technologies used to deliver cryptographic services and its past, present and future applications to prevent financial fraud in Mexico and the world over.
